Monday, February 8, 2010


I saw that Leanne Egan had talked about the puzzle Wasgij and googled it. It is jigsaw spelled backwards, and the picture on the puzzle box is not the picture you reassemble. The one you do is what one of the characters in the puzzle is seeing. Challenging - but fun. Basically you fit the puzzle pieces that fit without having a clear idea of what it will eventually resemble.

I bought a regular puzzle at Target to work tomorrow - there's something about being able to create order from chaos that appeals. I'm still working on the Donor Bridge application, but think I've done the Colonial Dames one. I've sent off the latter to a checker. We'll see.

My friend Lisa Arrieta was found dead in her home last week. The funeral is tomorrow. I'm sorry to say I had lost touch with her - she was about 10 years younger and we've gone in different directions since we both worked on the Theta Recommendation Board with Nancy Abbey, but I'll miss her just the same.

Cold and rainy and colder and more rain tomorrow.

The electrician we've asked to work on the rental duplex is apparently waiting until spring to do the job, but, so far, no tenants have moved out.

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