Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sniff, snort, cough

Everything is blooming in Dallas, including my nose! The dust is blowing in from Canada and mingling with the rain-soaked mold, mildew and budding flowers - to all of which I have acquired allergic reactions. I don't know why I haven't lost a significant amount of weight just from blowing my nose over the last two days.

I never used to be allergic to anything - except wool (itchy, itchy) - but now spring brings a new period of first, drippy nose, multiple sneezing and watery eyes. This is followed by a couple (I hope only a couple) of nights of waking up to uncontrolled coughing.

Remedies include bourbon, honey, lemon in hot water, Nyquil, Sudafed (the good kind you have to sign for), hot salty water to gargle, hot tea with lemon, Hall's lemon cough drops, lemon drops and my new cure - Lemoncello (sort of a liquid lemon drop with vodka).

I'm counting on a good night's sleep tonight!

Monday, March 1, 2010

My list

Not my bucket list - just a list of things I needed to do today:

Make bank deposit
Go with Elizabeth to see discovery materials
Call the tree man
Send the Garden Club agenda
Write up next year's President of Garden Club's responsibilities and send
Buy bread, milk, OJ, dog food, bananas, something for dinner (salmon with salad and garlic bread)
Buy Vitamin D (for some reason Vitamin D is in, right now)
Mail a package of talking Easter Eggs to Katherine

I've finished (or helped Mary finish) the puzzles and now am knitting a prayer shawl.