Sunday, June 17, 2007

Baby names

In about 20 days we'll have grandchild #3 from daughter #1. We already have grandchild #1 Megan and grandchild #2 Andy.
This leads me to consider baby naming.

When my daughters were born, we (I - having C-sections and looking pale and wan, trumped all my husband's desire to name them Eleanor or Elaine), named them after family members and gave them family surnames as middle names.

I preached strenously for 30 some odd years about the benefits of family names "you know your child will someday say 'why am I named Matilda or Byron' and you can say 'because we loved aunt Matilda, or uncle Byron' - BUT if you name them Chase or Tiffany or Brittany, how can you look at that child in 5 years and say - "but she was sooo cute on the Mouskeeters!").

However, names seem to be dated. Census takers apparently can deterime your age by your name.

My grandmothers' generation Gladys, Mae (May) Ruby, Jewel, Opal, Esmeralda

My mother's generation - Beverly, Lucile, Nancy, Jo, Flossie, Fannie.

My generation - Linda, Sandra, Joy, Lynn, Kay, Barbara, Susan, Judy, Mary Beth (all double names), Tammy, Debbie

My daughters' generation - Katherine, Kathryn, Catherine. Elizbeth, Mary, Emily, Tracy, Stephanie, Lisa, Jennifer

My grandaugters' generation - Megan, Isabella, Emma, Frances, Mary, Kate, Lydia, Margaret, Emily.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Dallas has been inundated with rain. We've had a hard-to-fix roof leak on that stupid flat roof. (Why would anyone have a flat roof anywhere but in West Texas or the Middle East?) And the mosquitoes are out in force. Every door of our house has a colony of the biters lurking, just to try to get in. I have the pests in my car! My new perfume is Deep Off Woods (25% Deet) and I have about 12 current bites. Fortunately, these aren't the kind that give West Nile Virus.

To make matters even more annoying, my husband does not get bitten. Oh, he'll get the occasional tick attached to tender parts when we go to the ranch, but mosquitoes just don't like him. He doesn't spray at all and he just never gets bitten. NO fair.

I'm waiting anxiously, for someone to do his DNA and give me some of that.