Friday, February 13, 2009

One of the more interesting "it's a small world" stories is that when we decided to get married and the families got together, it turned out that Byron's sister Lolah had married Bill Burford. Bill's father, Freeman Burford, was an oil man who built an oil refinery in Pecos.

When Daddy graduated from the University (of Texas at Austin) in 1932, the depression was still on and jobs hard to find. He had majored in business and could type, though. (Apparently his handwriting was so bad that he had permission to type out his exams - which probably was maddening to other students trying to think!)

Somehow, through Pecos connections, Daddy got a job with Burford's East Texas Refining Company making $100 a month as a typist. Daddy lived at the YMCA. Family lore says that Daddy made extra money by playing catch with Bill Burford (his father not having time to teach him.)

Freeman Burford married Carolyn Skelly, the young daughter of a very successful oil man - and I think for a very brief time they lived in Pecos.

1 comment:

Tia said...

I've never heard that story either! It is a small world, after all!