Tuesday, December 16, 2008

landlord, apes, Miss Margaret

I know I don't blog as often as I should - the trouble is that most of the people I might write about can read....

On another note - I am a new landlord, having bought a house that rents out. I've been agitating to buy rental property for years (and of course would have made a fortune if listened to) and am excited about the prospect of holding a property for more appreciation and collecting rent in the process. We'll see.

I've been listening to Charles Murray's book Human Achievement - 8000 BC to 1950. He is really a statistician, so lots of boring reasons for his conclusions, but I like his assertions that excellence exists. This parallels The Know It All which quotes (I should look this up) someone who said that we're not fallen angels but working our way up from apes with weapons.

We are looking forward to Christmas with the whole family here - can't wait to see Andy and already-standing-ready-to-walk Miss Margaret!

1 comment:

Tia said...

I just realized I had bookmarked the exact address of the 42 entry, instead of your blog homepage, and that's why I wasn't seeing your new entries. Looking forward to the Kitchen Table Stories!