Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Video games for girls

I don't play video games - too old and slow - and don't interest me. Who cares about shoot-'em-ups, car chases, explosions? Those are all guy things.

BUT, if someone invented games for girls - that might be fun.

How about Bride Pride? You could play the role of Bridezilla
1. Choosing the groom (involved, semi-involved, absent)
2. Choose his mother (possibilities are endless)
3. Pick out the ring
4. Design a dress
5. Thwart your mother
6 Order bridesmaids around
7. Choose horrible bridesmaids dresses
8. Have numerous showers and parties
9. Register for gifts

The program could have built-in obstacles (flowers don't arrive, people bring children to the service, groom gets flat tire on way to church, torrential rain)

You could also play the Mother of the Bride role or Mother of the Groom role.

There could be options for the $500,000 wedding or the $500 one.

This might even be a sort of instructional interactive game for brides to see what their dream wedding might cost.

The possibilities are endless!

1 comment:

KB said...

It doesn't even have to be just for girls. Playing the groom could be an option, too (and to be fun and liberal, you could have two brides or two grooms). The possibilities are endless!