Gaga used to say, since she wrote in her journal every day and also wrote to Lolah Mary daily -"When you write every day, there is lots to tell. If you write once a month, you can't think of anything worthwhile to relate."
I always think I will have something interesting to say, but usually don't.
For instance, today I had the freezer people come out. Obviously I don't use the freezer much, and when I opened it last night, it was hot inside. I threw all the meat and spoiled stuff out, which fortunately wasn't much. The vodka, pecans, cookies from the Christmas party and freezer pops were just fine for the temporary heat wave. The freezer guy said that $395 for a new timer was lots better than a new SubZero, which runs $6-7,000 (!), or even a new condenser motor which runs about $2000.
After that I met Elizabeth, Megan and Emma at the Library for Storytime, where Jim Carvell (Wade's father) plays the guitar (and made Emma his biggest fan "Play it again!"). Then we went to Bubba's for fried chicken, hot rolls with honey and delicious green beans. Did I mention that it was raining? And we only had one umbrella? Every child should have her own umbrella.
Back to the Library for a meeting in our new space. Our kind landlord (who has given us the space for 8 years for $1.25 per year, but has recently decided the Library won't be in his new building as promised) has given us about 4,500 new square feet across the hall with room for Book Sale set up, Storytime space, a breakroom with an actual table for the staff. We met to try to decide what will go where, and who should do what to set it up. First on the agenda is stretching the carpet which lies in waves on the floor - then we can begin moving in the dozens of books in beer flats which can then be sorted as to their Dewey number for the Book Sale.
Back home to work on tomorrow agenda for the Junior League Garden Club. I recommend any president or presiding person should do a printed agenda and hand it out to everyone. That way you are organized in your mind about how things should proceed, and you won't forget anything. (If you do, someone will remind you "Your forgot the Treasurer's report!). The Program Chairman of the Garden Club is one of those really detail people who are great on a committee, since they insist on keeping everything just right. They are also terrible on a committee since they drive you crazy "Have you checked the number of reservations?" "Have you ordered enough chairs"? "Let's do a walk-through of Debbie's house to see where the speaker should set up." This also makes for a very smooth meeting.
We're going (assuming Byron gets home in the next 45 minutes, otherwise I'm going) to Book Club where our favorite reviewer Marjorie Currey will talk about Warren Buffet's biography (by a HP woman) "Snowball".
I'm sure tomorrow will be equally fascinating.
New Schools, New Adjustments
6 years ago
Bummer about the new building and Gymboree is where I found a super cute umbrella for Mary.
Busy day!
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