1. The leak in the breakfast room is back. After hundreds of dollars, three different roofers and finally getting the room repainted, it rained in at the same place (around the skylight).
2. There was a nasty confrontation at the Library board between people who don't like the Library Director and the people who are trying to make the transition between an all-volunteer library and letting the professionals do their job.
3. One of the anti-director people resigned and sent out her nasty resignation letter to the entire board.
4. A past president who has been ill has decided to "help" the Library by inviting her 80+ year-old friends (two in nursing homes and one stone deaf) to come read to the children and told another that her job at the front desk starts tomorrow.
5. I'm trying to write the grant for one of our major Library funders and it's due Friday at 5 p.m.
6. I rushed home, changed clothes and went to meet friends for a margarita - only to discover that the party is tomorrow.
7. Misunderstanding what the hostess chairman of our Book Club told me, I emailed my committee to bring desserts for Book Club tomorrow night - but it doesn't meet until next month.
8. We are having a plague of flies in the den.
On the good side
1. I mailed off the tax return for another organization and I am done, done, done with them.
2. Good riddance to the person who resigned.
3. I did enjoy the margarita and nachos at the restaurant, even though it was the wrong day. (Always have something to read.)
4. It's not raining now, and the roofer is coming tomorrow.
5. Lysol 4-Way Spray Cleaner kills flies.